Developmental ResourcesParenting WorkshopsWorkshops
Discovering your child’s temperament

Our Unique Temperament
Children contain within them the seeds for greatness. Those seeds are contained within their personality. Temperament / personality is all about understanding why people are different in predictable ways – why are some children naturally quiet, others very nosy; some are curious, while others are cautious; some are persistent, while others get easily distracted? Children behave or misbehave in predictable ways because of the way they are wired – their temperament. An understanding of your child’s temperament provides parents with a ‘map’ of how their child can be their very best.
One of the most detailed and longest ongoing study of children’s personality is the New York Longitudinal Study, by researcher’s Alexander Thomas and Stella Cress. Their research identified nine characteristics where children innately differ. By the time an infant is 2 to 3 months old their temperament individuality is well established. Their research also found that when children’s characteristics were clustered together it resulted in three types of children:
THE EASY CHILD (40% of the sample).
- This child is easy to parent because they establish regular routines in infancy, and are generally cheerful and adapt well to new experiences.
THE DIFFICULT CHILD (10% of the sample).
- This child is irregular in routines, is slow to accept new experiences, and tends to react negatively and intensely. They are difficult to parent. The strong willed child fits in this group.
THE SLOW-TO-WARM-UP CHILD (15% of the sample).
- This child is inactive, shows mild, low keyed reactions, is negative in mood, and adjusts slowly to new experiences. Parents often describe this child as shy.
35 per cent of the children in the sample didn’t fit within any of the above three categories, but had combinations of the three types. Most parents can quickly identify which one of these three groups their child best fits within.
Often, children have regular cycles of activity. They eat, sleep, and go to the toilet on schedule, almost from birth. Other children are less predictable. Some children are very active. Even before they are born they kick a lot. Once they are born they are always on the go, kicking off their blanket or running around doing many activities. Other children are less active – they snooze serenely, and are able to sit peacefully and listen to a story. Some kids face the ‘new’ with curiosity and delight. They readily accept new vegetables, or a new caregiver. Other kids are slower to warm up to change, schedules, caregivers, or food.
In this workshop:
- Parents will learn how to change problem behavior by winning co-operation and commitment from a child.
- You will understand the different emotional, behavioral, and learning styles of children.
- Parents will recognize the unique way their child thinks, feels and acts.
- Identify your own parenting (caregiver) strengths and use this knowledge to improve your connection with your child.
- Discover practical ways to direct child’s energies in constructive ways and avoid conflicts.
Interested parents and teachers should read an overview of children’s personality and temperament here, and then, when you’re ready, book a group or personal session with us to help you scientifically identify your child’s temperament and how best to work with their unique style.
Here’s what parents are saying:
“You have inspired us and got us excited about being parents again!” ~ Natalie
Parents and teachers can book a workshop in their education centre today.