
Making Sense of Counterwill


A 4 hour DVD course

This DVD Course explains why kids resist and how to deal with it, by Dr Gordon Neufeld of the Neufeld Insitute, Canada.

This DVD applies to all ages and all settings including:

  • Parents with children from toddlers to adolescence
  • Early Childhood Educators
  • Teachers and assistants working with students from Year 1 – 13
  • Helping professionals working with all ages

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A 4 hour DVD course

This DVD Course explains why kids resist and how to deal with it, by Dr Gordon Neufeld of the Neufeld Insitute, Canada.

Counterwill is a name for the instinctive reaction of a child to resist being controlled. This resistance can take many forms: opposition, negativism, laziness, noncompliance, disrespect, lack of motivation, belligerence, incorrigibility and even antisocial attitudes and actions. It can also express itself in resistance to learning. despite the multitude of manifestations, the underlying dynamic is deceptively simple – a defensive reaction to perceived control or coercion.

Counterwill is undoubtedly the most misunderstood and misinterpreted dynamic in adult-child relations. It creates a perplexing dilemma in that what is most demanded or expected from a child can become the least likely to be realised. Understanding the role of counterwill in the development process is the key to knowing how to handle it. A three-pronged approach to safely defusing counterwill and to handling the resistant child or adolescent will be discussed.

This DVD applies to all ages and all settings including:

  • Parents with children from toddlers to adolescence
  • Early Childhood Educators
  • Teachers and assistants working with students from Year 1 – 13
  • Helping professionals working with all ages
For more information about Dr Neufeld an his material go to