Recommended Reading
Discipline Books: Recommended Reading List

There are so many discipline books and parenting books on the market. Most are full of advice that will only confuse and cause anxiety.
Anxious parents create problematic children. Thus the books cause more problems than they solve. There are, however, some very good books that are well worth your time. Here are some we highly recommend:
Hold on to your kids (Drs Gordon Neufeld & Garbor Mate)
The Heart of Parenting (Dr. John Gottman)
Between Parent and Child (Dr. Haim Ginott)
Every Parent: A Positive Approach to Children’s Behaviour (Dr. Matt Sanders)
French Children Don’t Throw Food: (Pamela Druckerman)
These five books contain all the attachment rich inspiration a parent needs to parent a normal child. There are of course many others, but these are our top 5 books for parents.
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